small microdose size lsd on a finger

LSD Microdosing Guide


The material below is not intended to provide medical advice and we don’t encourage the illegal use of any substances. LSD is a potentially illegal substance, and we do not encourage the use of this substance where it is against the law. Due to the high demand for the subject, we created this article for educational purposes. The intent of the content is to help you start learning about the subject.

Microdosing refers to the practice of ingesting small quantities of a psychedelic substance that are below the level of perception, meaning that they are not noticeable to the person taking them. Advocates argue that microdosers do not experience the full cognitive shifts that are associated with taking a full dose for recreational purposes, but rather a range of benefits such as enhanced mood and improved sexual experiences.

The efficacy of microdosing remains uncertain due to the difficulty in verifying the claims made by microdosers. Although the self-reported benefits are promising, there are concerns that these results might be attributed to the placebo effect. Researchers are interested in exploring the potential of microdosing to establish neurological connections in the brain and alleviate symptoms of psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Despite this interest, scientists face challenges in designing and conducting studies that can account for the many variables involved. The most commonly used psychedelic substances for microdosing are LSD and psilocybin, with microdosers typically taking between 5% and 20% of a recreational dose, and most report taking a two-day break between doses.

LSD microdosing involves taking small amounts of LSD to achieve therapeutic benefits without experiencing the full psychedelic effects. It has gained popularity in recent years as a way to enhance creativity, increase focus, and reduce anxiety and depression. However, there are different approaches to microdosing, and some may be more effective than others. Here are reportedly some of the most effective LSD microdosing protocol.

The Fadiman Protocol

This is the most well-known microdosing protocol, developed by James Fadiman, a psychologist and researcher. The protocol involves taking 10 micrograms of LSD every three days, for a period of one month. After one month, take a break for two weeks before resuming the cycle. This method is thought to be effective because it allows for a buildup of LSD in the system, which can lead to greater benefits over time.

James Fadiman, an American author, is recognized for his investigation into the effects of taking small doses of psychedelic drugs. He was also a co-founder of the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, now known as Sofia University.

Benefits and Risks

Potential Benefits 

The benefits of LSD can vary depending on the dose. Some people who microdose report having more creativity, productivity and better emotional and psychological well-being. Other benefits might include feeling more in touch with your senses, like taste and smell, as well as being more able to reduce distractions during work.

For those with mental health issues, there are reports of better mood and health habits, improved sleep and work performance, and even less use of addictive substances like alcohol, cannabis and coffee.

Older studies, from around when LSD was discovered, were conducted and found that LSD was used to treat anxiety, depression, addiction, and other mental afflictions. However, these studies do not follow modern scientific guidelines, and much of it has been considered suspect. With renewed interest in LSD research, though, studies are finding that there are positive results. LSD has the potential to treat alcoholism, and possibly other addictions and psychiatric symptoms.

In a 2015 study of long-term non-problematic LSD users, results were favourable, with individuals reporting that increased self-awareness and different perspectives were at the core of their belief system for LSD use. Newcomers were instructed by elders whose advice was valuable in their use, which is possibly a way to reduce risks and increase benefits.


LSD might have physical effects depending on your body, dose and situation. Numbness, rapid heartbeat, reduced coordination, chills, nausea, weakness, tremors and dilated pupils are all common side effects.

Psychological effects can include terror (during a bad trip) and anxiety or depression after a bad trip. There is the possibility for psychosis to develop, but it is perhaps due to underlying mental health conditions.

It is worth noting that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to microdosing, and what works for one person may not work for another. Additionally, the effects of microdosing can vary depending on factors such as the individual’s metabolism, the quality of the LSD, and the individual’s mindset and environment. It is important to consider starting with a low dose and adjust as necessary, and to be aware of any potential risks or side effects. Consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended before starting any microdosing regimen.

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